SLC NAND cross-reference tool

This SLC NAND cross-reference tool is intended to provide a general overview for comparing Micron’s products with other alternatives available in the market. The information is based on competitor’s published data and has not been verified by Micron.

Micron makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, equivalency, interchangeability or suitability of any referenced products for any particular application or use. Please refer to the Micron data sheet to ensure compatibility of the Micron product to your application or use.

To help you select the correct SLC NAND product,  please enter a minimum of five characters of a competitor’s SLC NAND part number to find the Micron alternative.

Enter a competitor's part number or select product specifications
DensityWidthVCCPackageOn-Die ECC?Auto?
Micron Part Number (MPN)DensityWidthVCCPackageTemperatureECCSync/AsyncDiePage SizePart Status
MT29F4G08ABADAH4-AATX:D4Gbx83.3VBGA-40C to +105COn-Die ECCAsync Only12KProduction
MT29F4G08ABADAH4-AITX:D4Gbx83.3VBGA-40C to +85COn-Die ECCAsync Only12KProduction
MT29F4G08ABBDAH4:D4Gbx81.8VBGA0C to +70COn-Die ECCAsync Only12KProduction
MT29F1G08ABAEAH4-AATX:E1Gbx83.3VBGA-40C to +105C4-bit ECCAsync Only12KProduction
MT29F2G08ABAEAH4:E2Gbx83.3VBGA0C to +70COn-Die ECCAsync Only12KProduction
MT29F2G08ABBEAH4-AITX:E2Gbx81.8VBGA0C to +70COn-Die ECCAsync Only12KProduction
MT29F2G08ABAEAH4-AITX:E2Gbx83.3VBGA-40C to +85COn-Die ECCAsync Only12KProduction
MT29F4G08ABBFAH4-AAT:F4Gbx81.8VBGA-40C to +105COn-Die ECCAsync Only14KProduction
MT29F16G08ABCCBH1-AAT:C16Gbx83.3VBGA0C to +70C8-bit ECCSync/Async14KProduction
. . .