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DDR4 added several new power saving features over DDR3, including:

1. Lower power pseudo-open drain drivers for the DQ pins

2. Optional ODT Input Buffer Disable Mode For Power-Down feature

3. Optional Maximum Power Saving Mode feature

4. Optional Command Address Latency (CAL)

DDR4 is backward compatible as far back as DDR3-1333. For systems that do not need speed increases above DDR3-1333 and DDR3-1600, DDR4 can support these slower bandwidth requirements with substantially lower power requirements.

DDR4 is produced in Micron fabs around the world, including Virginia, Japan, and Taiwan.

Not really; however, DDR4 does not require an external VREFDQ, but it does provide an internally generated VREFDQ that requires calibration by the DRAM controller.

Not exactly.  DDR4 still uses VTT mid-point termination on the data bus for good signal quality, however it uses pseudo open-drain drivers for less switching current compared to full push-pull drivers.

No, DDR3 requires VDD and VDDQ equal to 1.5V, VREFCA equal to 0.5 x VDD, and VREFDQ equal to 0.5 x VDDQ, while DDR4 requires VDD and VDDQ equal to 1.2V, VREFCA equal to 0.5 x VDD, and VPP equal to 2.5V.

The VPP supply replaces the internal word-line charge pumps that were present in earlier versions of DDR SDRAM including DDR3. Providing this voltage externally allows DDR4 to operate at a lower voltage level in a more cost-effective manner rather than providing the internal charge pumps.

No, the DDR4 ballout is different from the DDR3 ballout. However, DDR4 uses the same package sizes and ball pitch as DDR3.

No, DDR4 kept the 8n-bit prefetch used by DDR3; thus, BL8 is still supported.

DDR4 now has a Connectivity test mode to simplify testing with a boundary scan enabled controller. Designed to work with a boundary scan device, CT mode is supported in all Micron ×4, ×8, and ×16 devices (Though JEDEC requires only for x16). CT model allows a boundary scan device to load and read a pattern from a DDR4 in CT mode. DDR4 does not directly support IEEE 1149.1.

Yes, DDR4 supports DLL-off Mode similar to DLL Disable Mode in DDR3, up to 125 MHz

Yes, all of our 1.35V parts are backward compatible with 1.5V.

Yes. Micron supports the optional feature to disable the DLL using the Mode Register, called DLL Disable Mode. This feature allows the DRAM to operate at frequencies slower than 125 MHz, however the timing still must satisfy the refresh interval. When operating in DLL Disable Mode, special conditions apply - refer to the device data sheets for details and restrictions.

In DDR3, only one CWL is valid for a given clock frequency range. - tCKavg = 2.5ns to <3.3ns, CWL = 5 - tCKavg = 1.875ns to <2.5ns, CWL = 6 - tCKavg = 1.5ns to <1.875ns, CWL = 7 - tCKavg = 1.25ns to <1.5ns, CWL = 8

Micron supports 1Gb, 2Gb, 4Gb, and 8Gb densities.

Due to use of the 8n-prefetch architecture in DDR3, a true burst length of 4 (BL4) was not possible. Burst chop mode became available in DDR3 to help mitigate this, and is also available in newer SDRAMs. Using Burst Chop in DDR3 the last 4 bits of the burst are essentially masked. Timing in Burst Chop 4 (BC4) cannot be treated like a true BL4. For READ-to-WRITE, select WRITE-to-READ, and select WRITE-to-PRECHARGE transitions, the system can achieve clock savings in the BC4 mode. While doing READ-to-READ or WRITE-to-WRITE transitions, timing must be treated like BL8; no clock savings will be realized.  DDR3 supports only either BC4 or BL8, although there is also an on-the-fly (OTF) option to switch between them via address pin A12.  Refer to the device data sheets for more details.

Dynamic ODT (Rtt_WR) enables the DRAM to change termination values during a WRITE without having to perform a MODE REGISTER SET command. When Rtt_Wr and Rtt_Nom are both enabled, the DRAM will change termination values from Rtt_Nom to Rtt_Wr at the beginning of the WRITE burst. Once the burst is complete, the termination will be changed back to the Rtt_Nom value. Rtt_Wr can be used independently of Rtt_Nom, but termination will be on WRITEs only.

ZQCL stands for ZQ calibration long. This command must be issued during the power-up and initialization sequence and requires 512 clocks to complete. After power-up and initialization, the command can be issued any time the DRAM is idle. These subsequent commands only require 246 clocks. This command is used when there is more impedance error correction required than a ZQCS can provide. ZQCS stands for ZQ calibration short. This command can be performed any time the DRAM is idle. One ZQCS can correct a minimum of 0.5 percent impedance error and requires 64 clocks.

MPR is a multi-purpose register. It is a specialized register designed to allow predefined data to be read out of the DRAM. Data is one bit wide and is output on a prime DQ. For Micron DDR3 parts, the prime DQs are DQ0 for x4/x8 and DQ0/DQ8 for x16. Two locations in the MPR are defined. One allows the readout of predefined data burst—in this case, 01010101. The other location is used to output the refresh trip points from the on-die thermal sensor.

DDR3 operates at Vdd = VddQ = 1.5V ±0.075V. DDR3L operates at Vdd = VddQ = 1.35V (1.283–1.45V) 

The default output driver impedance for DDR3 is 34 ohms. The impedance is based on calibration to the external 240 ohm resistor, RZQ.

RESET# is the master reset for the DRAM. It is an active LOW, asynchronous input. When the RESET# is asserted, the DRAM outputs are disabled and ODT will turn off (High-Z). The DRAM counters, registers, and data will be unknown. A RESET must be performed as part of the power-up and initialization sequence. During this sequence, the RESET# must remain LOW for a minimum of 200µs. After power-up and initialization, RESET# may be asserted at any time. Once asserted, it must stay LOW for a minimum of 100ns and a full initialization of the part must be performed afterward.

For improved signaling, DDR3 modules have adopted fly-by technology for the commands, addresses, control signals, and clocks. Due to signal routing, this technology has an inherent timing skew between the clock and DQ bus at the DRAM. Write leveling is a way for the system controller to de-skew the DQ strobe (DQS) to clock relationship at the DRAM. A simple feedback feature provided by the DRAM allows the controller to detect the amount of skew and adjust accordingly.

The ZQ calibration command can calibrate the DRAM's output drivers (Ron) and ODT values (Rtt) over process, voltage, and temperature when a dedicated 240 ohm (±1 percent) resistor is connected from the DRAM's ZQ pin to ground. In DDR3, two different calibration commands exist: ZQ calibration long (ZQCL) and ZQ calibration short (ZQCS). ZQCL is normally used during power-up initialization and reset sequences, but may be issued at any time by the controller, depending on the system environment. ZQCS is used to perform periodic calibrations to account for small voltage and temperature variations; it requires a smaller timing window to complete.

DDR3 supports RTT_nom values of 120, 60, 40, 30, and 20 ohms. Dynamic ODT values (RTT_WR) are 120 and 60 ohms.

Yes. Micron DDR3 parts will support a Tcase of 0°C to 95°C.

Using DDR2-1066 with two slots is unrealistic; simulations have not shown acceptable margins.

On-die termination (ODT) power is very application-dependent. ODT is also variable, depending on the setting in the EMR of the DRAM. Use the DDR2 power calculator to determine the values.

In a point-to-point system, ODT would only be active on WRITE cycles, and would not consume power during idle and READ cycles. On-board termination would consume power in these instances. ODT power should be about 2–3 percent of the total DDR2 DRAM power in a typical application.

The Vref pin does not draw any power, only leakage current, which is less than 5µA.

No, it must be maintained at VDDQ/2.

It’s not recommended, as the SDRAM reads will lose voltage margin; but technically, it is allowed.

Although in some cases the DRAM may work with the DLL off, this mode of operation is not documented nor supported by JEDEC. Therefore, each DRAM design may behave differently when configured to run with the DLL disabled. Micron does not support or guarantee operation with the DLL disabled. Running the DRAM with the DLL disabled may cause the device to malfunction and/or violate some DRAM output timing specifications.

The sole purpose of RDQS is to support the use of a x8-based RDIMM in a x4-based RDIMM system. The RDQS pin enables a x8 DDR2 SDRAM to emulate two x4s.

The answer depends on the design implementation. Data setup and hold timing should be designed to have 150ps or more of margin.  There are Single-Ended DQS Slew Rate derating tables in the data sheet that must be used in evaluating the timing. It is recommended to fully analyze the timing in calculations, as well as using signal integrity simulations and hardware characterization.

For a READ operation, the DRAM edge-aligns the strobe(s) with the data. Most controllers sense the strobe to determine where the data window is positioned. This fine strobe/data alignment requires that each DRAM have an internal DLL. The DLL is tuned to operate for a finite frequency range, which is identified in each DRAM data sheet. Running the DRAM outside these specified limits may cause the DLL to become unpredictable. The DRAM is tested to operate within the data sheet limits. Micron does not suggest or guarantee DRAM operation outside these predefined limits.

Yes, all speed grades are backward-compatible. So, -5B can run at -6T timing and -6T voltage levels (2.5V). At DDR400 speeds, Micron parts require (in compliance with JEDEC standard) Vdd = VddQ = 2.6V ±0.1V. At slower speed grades (DDR333 through DDR200), the Micron parts are backward compatible, only requiring Vdd = VddQ = 2.5V ±0.2V.

There is no requirement to use a separate regulator to supply Vref for Micron's DDR SDRAM. However, because Vref is the reference voltage for all single-ended inputs, any noise due to sharing the regulator with other I.C.s on a board or by using a voltage divider from the VDD supply, will directly impact the noise margin on those inputs. Many multi-drop systems already have a designated voltage regulator for DDR memory. Other systems that incorporate point-to-point memory typically use a simple voltage divider resistor network between VDD and VSS.  System designers should evaluate the priorities and trade-offs for each particular system and use the power supply scheme that is optimal for the system. 

Micron is supporting and plans to support SDR for several years. Contact your local Micron sales representative for more information.

Micron is supporting and plans to support DDR for several years. Contact your local Micron sales representative for more information.

Yes. VREF is required during self refresh. All DDR components' on-chip address counters are still operational during self refresh mode, so VDD must be maintained within the stated data sheet limits. Again, VREF must not be disabled after the DDR memory is put into self refresh mode. Doing so could easily result in inadvertently exiting self refresh. You should understand that VREF draws almost no power; any current drawn by VREF is negligible when compared to VTT and the core VDD. DDR components typically use a differential pair common source amplifier as their SSTL_2 input receiver. Because the VREF pin is used primarily as an input to this circuit, its current draw is low. It is so low, in fact, that the device’s input leakage current (~5µA) can be considered the maximum current requirement for the VREF pin. Typical VTT power is drawn from other places on the board and depends on the other components used on the module/system in addition to DRAM devices.

The tWPST maximum specification is not a device limit. The device will operate with a greater value for this parameter, but system performance (bus turnaround) will degrade accordingly.

If all of the different row addresses are read or written within the refresh time (tREF), a refresh need not be performed. (The different row addresses are the same number of rows as the number of REFRESH cycles. For example, in the case of 8,192/64ms, the number of rows equal 8,192.) With DRAM, selecting row addresses causes the same action as a refresh, so a REFRESH command need not be executed.

Micron recommends that unused data pins be tied HIGH or LOW. Because Micron uses CMOS technology in DRAM manufacturing, letting them float could leave the pins susceptible to noise and create a random internal input level. Unused pins can be connected to VDD or ground through resistors.

An NC (no connect) pin indicates a device pin to which no internal connection is present or allowed. Micron recommends that no external connection be made to this pin. However, if a connection is inadvertently made, it will not affect device operation. Sometimes NC pins could be reserved for future use. Refer to the part’s data sheet to confirm whether the pin is reserved for future use. An NF (no function) pin indicates a device pin that is electrically connected to the device but for which the signal has no function in the device operation. Micron strongly recommends that no external connection be made to this pin. A DNU (do not use) pin indicates a device pin to which there may or may not be an internal connection but to which no external connections are allowed. Micron requires that no external connection be made to this pin. Refer to the part’s data sheet for more details.

Please refer to page 3 of Micron’s technical note on thermal applications: TN-00-08. If functionality or operation is not a concern, refer to storage temperature specification limits on the part’s data sheet.

Yes, all speed grades are backward-compatible. So, -5B can run at -6T timing and -6T voltage levels (2.5V). At DDR400 speeds, Micron parts require (in compliance with JEDEC standard) Vdd = VddQ = 2.6V ±0.1V. At slower speed grades (DDR333 through DDR200), the Micron parts are backward compatible, only requiring Vdd = VddQ = 2.5V ±0.2V.

Micron SDR SDRAM data sheets require that the clock frequency be constant during access or precharge states. However, because there is no DLL in SDRAM, it may be possible to shift the clock frequency dynamically, though this is not recommended by Micron. If a design requires shifting frequency, lowering SDRAM frequency may be OK, even if you are not doing an LMR and CAS latency change. In case of increasing frequency, ensure tCK and CAS latency specifications are met. In either case, all other data sheet timing specifications must always be adhered to.

Because SDR SDRAM does not have a DLL, there is no minimum clock frequency.  However, if the device is clocked at lower frequencies, it is still important to maintain a reasonably fast slew rate on the clock edges to avoid risk of setup and/or hold-time violations. Also, for operating frequencies of 45 MHz, tCKS = 3.0ns. For more information, see LVTTL Derating for SDRAM Slew Rate Violations (TN-48-09).

Yes, the CK/CK# and DK/DK# input buffers are true differential inputs. Both sets of clocks need to meet the specifications that are defined in the Clock Input Operating Conditions tables in the RLDRAM data sheets.

Yes. However, when on-die termination (ODT) is enabled, the DNU pins will be connected to VTT. Connecting the DNU pins to GND under these circumstances will cause a substantially larger load on your VTT supply.

 Simplified command set of only four commands and a Fast cycle time, as low as 7ns tRC

Multibank write is a feature that allows for SRAM-like random read access time. Using this feature can reduce RLDRAM 3’s already low tRC (<10ns) by up to 75% during reads. Through the RLDRAM 3 mode register, you can choose to write to one, two, or four banks simultaneously. By storing identical data in multiple banks, the memory controller has the flexibility to determine which bank to read the data from in order to minimize tRC delay.

 Multibank write that enables SRAM-like random read capabilities. MULTIBANK REFRESH makes managing refresh overhead more flexible than ever, allowing refresh of one to four banks simultaneously. RLDRAM3 also supports a mirror function to ease layout of clamshell designs.

Yes. Even though RLDRAM 3 is a new architecture, it leverages many features from both DDR3 and RLDRAM 2 to make adoption and integration as easy as possible. The command protocol, addressing, and strobing scheme are the same as RLDRAM 2, while the I/O, AC timing, and read training register very closely resemble those found in DDR3.

Yes. Micron’s green engineering program is RoHS-compliant and conforms with most of the world’s emerging environmental standards, including those in Asia and Europe.

We design our parts to meet or exceed the JEDEC specification. As standards change, we will make the necessary changes to ensure our parts meet new specifications. Any changes made will be noted in a product change notice (PCN) and sent to our customers.

VDDQ is reduced from 1.1V to 0.6V in LPDDR4X for further power reduction from LPDDR4. Max data rate for LPDDR4X is the same with LPDDR4 as 4266Mbos/pin. Single ended CK/DQS features are supported with LPDDR4X.

LPDDR5 achieves 6400Mbps max data rate per pin, which is 1.5x faster than LPDDR4. max data rate 4266Mbps, at the same time improving the energy efficiency (pJ/bit). Many power reduction features are introduced in LPDDR5. See the technical notes below.

TN-62-02: LPDDR5 Interface: Description of LPDDR5 Interface, how it diffres from LPDDR4X
Rev. A – 4/19

TN-62-03: LPDDR5 Training: General overview of LPDDR5 SDRAM Training
Rev. A – 5/19

TN-62-04: LPDDR5 Clocking: Description of LPDDR5 clocking, including a brief comparison with LPDDR4.
Rev. A – 5/19

TN-62-06: LPDDR5 Architecture: General overview of LPDDR5 Architecture
Rev. A – 7/19

TN-62-07: LPDDR5 ZQ Calibration: General overview of LPDDR5 ZQ calibration
Rev. A – 12/19

Rev. A – 7/19

There is no difference in a die. We opted to add the "Mobile”, “Automotive” and “Embedded" prefix to our LPDRAM product line to align with each market segment. Mobile is for portable devices such as smartphones and tablets. Automotive is for devices relating to motor vehicles. Embedded is devices for dedicated computer system designed for one or two specific functions, unlike the general-purpose computers. In embedded applications, the device is embedded as a part of a complete device system, for example, into a digital television, a camera, and a set top box, etc. Each market segment has different product requirements such as operating temperatures which is noted in the part number. Please refer to each datasheet for the actual operating temperature range.

Operating Temperatures
Blank = Commercial temperature
IT  = Industrial temperature
AT = Automotive temperature
WT = Wireless temperature
XT = Wide temperature
UT = Ultra temperature
ET = Extreme temperature

It depends. Density plays a major role in price comparisons between LPDRAM and standard SDR/DDR. Also, since LPDRAM is offered in standard configurations of x16, x32 and x64, you may be able to reduce your overall BOM cost if your application currently uses two x16 components to support a x32 bus. You could use one x32 LPDRAM instead of two x16 standard DRAM. Contact your local rep for cost information.

LPDDR3 is optimized for battery life and portability. DDR3L-RS is a low IDD6 version of the DDR3L die and offers a balance in price versus performance, along with improved standby power.

Yes. A LPDRAM part can be run at any speed equal to or slower than its rated speed grade.

Optimized for products where power consumption is a concern, our low-power LPDRAM devices combine leading-edge technologies and packaging options to meet space requirements and extend battery life. LPDRAM is available with DDR/SDR interface.

We're excited about this fast-growing market. We plan to manufacture LPDRAM for many years to come and plan to continue to shrink our designs to achieve higher densities.

We offer a comprehensive LPDRAM product portfolio, with a wide range of densities and package options (including JEDEC-standard FBGA, xMCP, and package-on-package). With Micron's extensive LPDRAM experience, our worldwide technical support team can provide the expertise and assistance you need to get your designs to market faster.

DRAM modules

With proper decoupling this can be an acceptable design. However, Micron recommends ensuring all supplies are separated. Vref tends to have more noise on it because it supplies signals that are regularly switching. A robust design would typically not connect these supplies due to the possibility of introducing this noise onto the Vtt plane which should be as stable as possible. Additionally, Vref requires much less current than Vtt.

No. A robust memory subsystem design that includes the use of 1 or more memory modules must be simulated in order to determine the optimum trace lengths, terminations. However, our design guides such as TN-47-01 and TN-41-08 have some best practices and design examples based on some typical system assumptions. This information is not meant to be the only way your system can be designed. It is a starting point and moreover an example of the steps used to determine the best design for your system.

NVDIMM is a nonvolatile persistent memory solution that combines NAND flash, DRAM and an optional power source into a single memory subsystem. Micron’s NVDIMM is capable of delivering the performance levels of DRAM combined with the persistent reliability of NAND, ensuring data stored in-memory is protected against power loss.

NVDIMMs operate in the DRAM memory slots of servers to execute workloads at DRAM speeds. In the event of a power fail or system crash, an onboard controller safely transfers data stored in DRAM to the onboard nonvolatile memory, thereby preserving the data that would otherwise be lost. When the system stability is restored, the controller transfers the data from the NAND back to the DRAM, allowing the application to efficiently pick up where it left off.

Persistent memory is a new addition to the memory/storage hierarchy that enables greater flexibility in data management by providing nonvolatile, low-latency memory closer to the processor. Essentially, persistent memory accelerates application performance by removing what otherwise are constricting I/O bottlenecks placed on the application by standard storage technologies. By placing nonvolatile memory on the DRAM bus, this architecture enables customers to significantly optimize data movement in order to deliver faster access to variables stored in DRAM.

With persistent memory, system architects are no longer forced to sacrifice latency and bandwidth when accessing critical data that must be preserved. Critical data can be stored close to the processor, dramatically cutting access times. Persistent memory delivers a unique balance of latency, bandwidth, capacity and cost, delivering ultra-fast DRAM-like access to critical data and enabling system designers to better manage overall costs.

Any application where performance depends on variables stored in nonvolatile media (HDD or SSD) can benefit from NVDIMMs (most applications can be accelerated). Persistent variables include metadata logs, checkpoint state, host write caches, write buffers, journals and general logs. Applications that can be accelerated by placing these variables in NVDIMM include 2-node, high-availability storage using RAID cards, SSD mapping, RAMDisk and write caching for SSDs.

Micron will be offering three DDR4 NVDIMM products:

  1. 8GB DDR4 NVDIMM with legacy firmware
  2. 8GB DDR4 NVDIMM with JEDEC firmware
  3. PowerGEM® ultracapacitor for 8GB NVDIMM

Legacy firmware refers to the firmware features and controller register locations for features determined by AgigA Tech, Inc., for initial DDR4 NVDIMM designs. JEDEC has now standardized the NVDIMM firmware features, register locations and APIs so that one vendor’s NVDIMM can be compatible with any other vendor’s NVDIMM. All new Micron NVDIMM solutions will leverage the JEDEC firmware interface.

Many motherboards, servers and storage appliances support NVDIMMs today. Many more will come to market in 2016. Contact your supplier for more details.

NVDIMMs leverage either block mode or direct access drivers. NVDIMMs used in conjunction with a block mode driver are compatible with OS and applications with little to no necessary software modifications. Additional performance capability can be tapped by leveraging an NVDIMM with a direct mapped driver, but OS and application software will likely need some modification. Micron is currently working with major OEMs and software companies to incorporate NVDIMM hardware, driver and software support into their mainstream products.

NAND flash

Embedded MultiMediaCard (e.MMC) is a NAND Flash-based memory solution defined by JEDEC that comes in a small BGA package. JEDEC defines both the hardware and software, enabling easy customer design-in and the ability to multisource.

e.MMC is a fully managed solution (all media management and ECC are handled internally), making NAND technology transitions invisible to the host and providing customers with the ability to reduce their time-to-market and to sustain products longer and more easily.

Our embedded market e.MMC products are divided into two families: automotive and broad market. This is due to the unique requirements that are required in the automotive market; thus, there is a separate product line supported by Micron’s automotive team. Broad market covers all other market segments such as consumer, gaming, server, networking, industrial, medical, military, etc. Broad market e.MMC includes two sub-families: WT with commercial temperature grade and IT with an extended temperature range.

You can order samples through the Micron Sample Center.

Yes, the JEDEC specification has to be read in conjunction with the data sheet. Micron e.MMC complies with the JEDEC standard; hence, Micron's data sheets provide information that is specific only to Micron’s e.MMC devices.

Yes, IBIS models are available for WT and IT products (JEDEC 153-/169-ball and 100-ball)

Micron is offering an extensive number of solutions for industrial customers, such as five densities and JEDEC-standard BGA 153-/169-ball and custom 100-ball packaging. All of these products will operate in the extended temperature range of -40° to 85°C.

Micron’s 100-ball e.MMC BGA package features a 1.0mm ball pitch for board routing simplification (saving PCB costs) and improved board-level reliability (temp cycling). This solution is particularly attractive to automotive, industrial, and networking market segments. See the following table for additional benefits.

Features of 100-ball e.MMC


Large 1.0mm ball pitch

  • Allows for low-cost PCB trace/space designs
  • Simplifies PCB routing
  • Enables a reduction in the number of PCB layers
  • Reduces costs via a lower drill size
  • Lower DAR (drill aspect ratio) for better PCB yields
  • Allows for wider traces for better thermal dissipation

Large 0.45mm nominal ball diameter

  • Provides high PCB board-level reliability
  • Improves surface-mount yields (vs. smaller ball packages)
  • Provides better thermal dissipation

Low ball count (compared to 153-ball e.MMC JEDEC-standard)

  • Allows for easier, low-cost PCB routing
  • Reduces package and PCB costs

100-ball pattern contains 12 mechanical support balls (3 in each corner)

  • Provides excellent PCB board-level reliability
  • Allows for flexible “large package size” variations

Flexible ball-out design

  • Allows for future e.MMC feature upgrades and next-generation technology

Micron has EOL’d its e.MMC 4.4 offering. Refer to your AE for support. A dedicated technical note “TN-FC-08: Migrating from Micron v. 4.4 e.MMC to 4.41 e.MMC” is available for review.

Yes, e.MMC provides two boot partitions to provide fast access to boot code for improved system boot time. Booting from boot partitions can provide access to stored data in ~50ms, whereas booting from the user area can take hundreds of milliseconds. However, in order to utilize the boot partitions, the chipset must be able to support booting from the boot partition. Check with your chipset vendor to understand if booting from the e.MMC boot partitions is supported.

Yes, ESG e.MMC devices support static data protection. Devices are shipped from Micron factories as COMBO with a configuration optimized for best write performance. Customers can reconfigure the devices to protect static (previously written) data if there is power loss during a write operation.

Yes, ESG e.MMC devices support static data protection. Devices are shipped from Micron factories as COMBO with a configuration optimized for best write performance. Customers can reconfigure the devices to protect static (previously written) data if there is power loss during a write operation.

The e.MMC specification allows customers to configure the user data area into a maximum of four separate partitions that can each be configured as MLC (default) or enhanced mode (pSLC). Enhanced mode provides better reliability in exchange for twice the space as MLC.

For more information refer to "TN-FC-40: Embedded e.MMC Configuration"

e.MMC drivers are generally available on the market due to the fact that it is an industry-standard product.

The embedded universal serial bus (eUSB) is a NAND flash-based memory solution that is compliant with the USB industry standards. USB is a widely adopted interface used across multiple platforms and operating systems, providing a low-cost, efficient data transfer solution for current applications and beyond.

eUSB is a fully managed solution that utilizes NAND memory and, through an onboard controller, internally handles all media management and ECC control. The eUSB provides customers with a complete storage solution that easily integrates into their system and, in turn, fuels a reduced time to market.

Using native SLC NAND memory, combined with a rich set of management features such as global wear leveling and dynamic data refresh, eUSB offers a superior combination of performance and reliability.

The eUSB device has a 10-pin (2x5) USB female connector compatible with the industry-standard 10-pin connector found on most motherboards. A mounting hole (connected directly to internal ground) is also provided on the PCB to ensure a stable connection to the system board.  Additional holes in the PC board, utilized during manufacturing for de-paneling, can also be used as additional mounting locations if required.

Yes. Micron’s eUSB can be used as the operating system boot and main storage device. However, the application’s BIOS must support the boot mode feature, which should not be a concern for most systems that were manufactured in the last five years and support USB 2.0. In either the main storage or boot mode, the eUSB should be recognized as a fixed hard drive in the system.

Yes. Please check the part catalog for Micron’s current eUSB offerings.

Our latest generation eU500, eUSB 3.1 products do provide a method to extract relevant lifetime data through the use of SMART commands. However, previous generations of eUSB products do not support a runtime method to collect lifetime data.

Yes. Micron’s latest generation eU500 eUSB 3.1 products are backward compliant with the USB 2.0 protocol. The eU500 family also supports the same form factor, voltages and connector offerings as the previous generation e230. Please check the part catalog for Micron’s current eUSB offerings.

Planar NAND flash memory is nearing its practical scaling limits, which poses challenges for the memory industry.  Industry innovation requires state-of-the-art NAND technology that scales with higher densities and lower cost per bit. 3D NAND allows flash storage solutions to continue aligning with Moore’s Law, bringing significant improvements in density while lowering the cost of NAND flash.

The 3D NAND technology developed by Intel and Micron offers significant improvements in density and cost, and it’s the first 3D NAND to use floating gate cells.  This 3D NAND enables flash devices with three times higher capacity than other planar NAND die in production, and the first generation is architected to achieve better cost efficiencies than planar NAND. There are also various features that will improve latency, increase endurance and make system integration easier.

We have integrated various features to deliver improved performance and new functionality, including new programming algorithms and power management modes that help make system integration easier. See FortisFlash to learn more about these features.

The new 3D NAND technology uses floating gate cells and stacks flash cells vertically in 32 layers to achieve 256Gb multilevel cell (MLC) and 384Gb triple-level cell (TLC) die that fit within a standard package.

Currently, Micron only offers large block devices. For more information, please refer to Technical Note, TN-29-07: Small Block vs. Large Block NAND Devices.

To get the maximum PROGRAM/READ throughput for Micron NAND Flash devices, use the PROGRAM and READ CACHE operations. See the NAND device data sheet and our NAND Technical Notes Page for details on how to use these commands.

High-Speed NAND can read data at speeds up to 200 megabytes per second (MB/s) and can write data at speeds up to 100 MB/s. These speeds are achieved by leveraging the new ONFI 2.0 interface specification and a four-plane architecture with higher clock speeds. In comparison, conventional SLC NAND is limited to 40 MB/s for reading data and less than 20 MB/s for writing data. To maximize the performance benefits of High-Speed NAND, users must use the new ONFI 2.0 synchronous interface standard.

Nvb is specified as the minimum number of valid blocks at the end of the P/E cycle spec.

We define our ECC requirement per 512-byte section. MLC NAND devices have a higher ECC requirement than SLC NAND due to the increased number of bits per cell. ECC requirements differ for designs, so consult the device data sheet for the amount of ECC needed.

READ disturb occurs when the same data is read repeatedly. By its nature, NAND technology has a very low occurrence of read-disturb errors. But, to mitigate any errors received due to read disturb, we recommend that users refresh the data to reduce the amount of times the same data is read.

Make sure that you are issuing a READ STATUS command to the NAND device after any type of PROGRAM or ERASE operation. Checking status after a PROGRAM or ERASE operation will report whether the PROGRAM or ERASE operation was successful. If the READ STATUS command reports a failure with a PROGRAM operation, that data should be programmed somewhere else and the block being programmed should be retired. If the READ STATUS command reports a failure with an ERASE operation, that block should also be retired.

With ECC, NAND can achieve bit error rates (BER) that are comparable with NOR, which is commonly used as a booting device. Applications that use NAND typically copy the booting code to DRAM and execute from DRAM. For more information, read Tech Note 29-16, which is geared to a specific processor, but the concepts can be applied generally. TN-29-19 is a very useful technical note on the general concepts of NAND.


In a two-die NAND device, where a single die is on each CE#, the device ID that is returned is per CE# for one die. For example, an 8Gb two-die NAND device with two CE# pins would return a 4Gb device ID on each CE#. See the Read ID section of the NAND device data sheet for more details.

Additional Micron NAND Flash technical information—including details on performance enhancing commands—can be found on the Technical Notes page for NAND.

Micron posts Verilog, HSPICE, and IBIS models for NAND devices. To find the right model for your needs, see the appropriate NAND part catalog and select your device to view the available models.

Check that you are using the appropriate amount of error correction code (ECC) for the NAND device. The ECC threshold can be found in the "Error Management" section of the NAND device data sheet. Also ensure that none of the bad blocks marked by the NAND manufacturer (Micron) are used. See the "Error Management" section of the NAND device data sheet for more details on how to search for manufacturer-marked bad blocks.

Be sure you are issuing a reset command (FFh) to the NAND device after powering on the device. A reset command (FFh) must be issued to each valid chip enable (CE#) of the NAND device before any commands are allowed to be issued to that CE#.

Graphics memory

Graphics DRAM is a category of DDR SDRAM designed to handle very large bandwidth requirements. Unlike standard DRAM, graphics DRAM is typically soldered down on the same PCB as the SoC and always supports 32 DQs per memory component. Besides graphics cards and game consoles, graphics DRAM is being used in high-bandwidth applications like networking, automotive and high-performance computing.

GDDR5 provides higher densities, lower external voltage and more than twice the memory bandwidth compared to its predecessor, GDDR3. GDDR5’s 4X relationship between data rate and the CK clock is unique compared to the 2X relationship in DDR3 and GDDR3.

No, GDDR5 is not a direct replacement for GDDR3 due to package size differences. GDDR3 has a 136-ball BGA package while GDDR5 has a 170-ball BGA package.

Graphics DRAM is a category of DDR SDRAM designed to handle very large bandwidth requirements. Unlike standard DRAM, graphics DRAM is typically soldered down on the same PCB as the SoC and always supports 32 DQs per memory component. Besides graphics cards and game consoles, graphics DRAM is being used in high-bandwidth applications like networking, automotive and high-performance computing.

GDDR5X provides higher densities and lower external voltage (1.35V) compared to its predecessor, GDDR5. GDDR5X also doubles the bandwidth (10–16 Gb/s) of GDDR5 while remaining on traditional discrete package technology (FBGA).

Yes, GDDR5X has two operation modes:

  • QDR mode: Supports speeds of 10 Gb/s and above
  • DDR mode: Supports 0.2–6 Gb/s speeds and is compatible with GDDR5

Yes, GDDR5X has IEEE 1149.1 compliant boundary scan.

Micron is the first memory supplier in the industry supporting GDDR5X in mass production.

Yes, the GDDR5X SGRAM standard was first published in Dec. 2015 as JESD232. The latest JEDEC release is JESD232A.

GDDR5X is not a direct replacement for GDDR5 due to package size differences. GDDR5 has a 170-ball, 0.8mm-pitch BGA package while GDDR5X has a 190-ball, 0.65mm-pitch package.

Graphics DRAM is a category of DDR SDRAM designed to handle very large bandwidth requirements. Unlike standard DRAM, graphics DRAM is typically soldered down on the same PCB as the SoC and always supports 32 DQs per memory component. Besides graphics cards and game consoles, graphics DRAM is being used in high-bandwidth applications like networking, automotive and high-performance computing.

GDDR6 provides higher densities than previous-generation graphics memory. It doubles the bandwidth of GDDR5, extending past GDDR5X speeds. In addition, it is based on a dual-channel architecture, which enables a huge performance increase while still providing backward compatibility to GDDR5 memory access size.



Yes, GDDR6 has IEEE 1149.1 compliant boundary scan

Micron is leveraging its GDDR5X-based high-speed signaling know-how from more than two years of design, mass production, test and application learning in Micron GDDR6 products. This allows Micron to remain in the leading position on high-speed signaling with traditional memory components.

Yes, the GDDR6 SGRAM standard was first published in July 2017 as JESD250.

GDDR6 is not a direct replacement for GDDR5 nor GDDR5X due to package size differences. GDDR5 has a 170-ball, 0.8mm-pitch BGA package, GDDR5X has a 190-ball, 0.65-mm pitch BGA package and GDDR6 has a 180-ball, 0.75mm-pitch BGA package.

Hybrid memory cube

Micron reviews product roadmaps on a continuous basis to ensure that our current portfolio addresses current and future market needs. Since the early introduction of HMC, additional/alternate high-performance memories have entered the market, and the volume projects that drove initial HMC success are reaching maturity.

Micron will continue to develop and design memory for high-performance applications. GDDR has roadmap support and continues to grow in this space. Micron has also established an HBM development program.

Please work with the appropriate sales team or distribution contact to ensure last-time buy quantities are communicated to Micron prior to the last-time buy date.

See above.

Micron is the leading supplier of memory in the networking space, and we will continue to focus on and evaluate future opportunities.

The Hybrid Memory Cube Consortium (HMCC) is a working group made up of industry leaders who build, design in or enable HMC technology. The goal of the HMCC is to define industry-adoptable HMC interfaces and to facilitate the integration of HMC into a wide variety of applications that enable developers, manufacturers and enablers to leverage this revolutionary technology.

The HMCC is engaged in great exploratory work. Micron will continue to support/provide input to HMCC for technology discussions and learnings from customer engagements.

Multichip packages

Yes. We do have reliability data on the PoP. Contact Micron for more information.

No. the PoP/MCP parts undergo the same qualification testing as the discrete components.

The Beagle Board uses our NAND + Mobile LPDDR PoP combination parts, and the densities vary depending on which version of the Beagle Board you have. Type the second 5-digit alphanumeric code on the physical part into our FBGA Decoder, which will provide you with the corresponding Micron part number.

From a system-solution perspective, because the PoP mates directly onto the processor, it eliminates the need to have traces routed on the PCB. This saves costs for the customer, as well as provides better signal integrity.

The market is driving the requirement for the smaller PoP form factor, and several contract manufacturers have already enabled this technology. PoP can help save in routing costs and improve signal integrity. Given those cost and performance advantages, Micron recommends that you work very closely with your CM to ensure a good transition to this technology.

When moving from testing with discrete parts to PoP, care should be taken that no stubs are left from the design containing the discrete components. If needed, a 0 Ohm resistor could isolate the memory from the traces used for the discrete part.

Our standard offerings are x16 NAND and x32 Mobile LPDDR. We also have x8 NAND and x16 Mobile LPDDR. For the most current information, contact your local Micron support.

MCP is multichip package that contains multiple die and can be used by any controller. PoP is a form of an MCP made specifically to stack on top of a processor that has pads on the top side that mate to the ballout of the PoP. Because the PoP package stacks right on top of the processor, it eliminates the need to have traces routed on the PCB and provides better signal integrity. A variety of PoP packages are designed for various processors. PoP and MCP devices give designers the ability to take advantage of z space and to provide the flexibility to offer different logic in one package (for example, NAND + Mobile LPDDR or e.MMC™ + NAND + Mobile LPDDR). We have a wide selection of offerings to meet our customer’s needs.

Solid state storage

We sell SSDs (and memory) direct to the consumer through our Crucial brand. Crucial SSDs offer the same great quality, reliability, and performance of Micron SSDs, but are packaged for consumer sales. You can buy one today at

Bare die

Nearly all Micron memory die shipments are now sold as whole wafers, not singulated die (check with your local sales contact for availability). Wafer maps are provided in each wafer shipment. For more information on wafer mapping, see TN-00-21. (For information regarding Aptina image sensor die orders, see

Micron die are provided as whole wafers and are shipped in horizontal wafer shippers ("coin stacks") or vendor boxes. Customers must have a clean room environment to store and unpack Micron wafers. For more information, see CSN 20: Whole Wafer Packaging.

Standard "unground" wafer thickness is 750µm for 200mm wafers and 790µm for 300mm wafers. Micron offers additional wafer thickness options for 200mm wafers, depending on the product. Please see the applicable die data sheet for die thickness options beyond the standard thickness. Depending on customer demand, Micron may consider processing alternative thicknesses. Please consult your sales representative for more information.


Serial presence detect

Converting the hexadecimal value to binary and then matching it against the associated SPD byte in the appropriate JEDEC SPD specification will provide a translation of what the byte is for and how it is set.

Micron utilizes a proprietary application that generates SPD values for each part number based on engineer’s input and a database of rules. The rules housed within the database are carefully written to ensure that JEDEC SPD specifications are adhered to. This process ensures compatibility and consistency.

The SPD specifications for modules are determined by JEDEC. Micron uses several SPD specifications within JEDEC Standard No. 21-C to determine and generate SPD data for SDRAM, DDR, DDR2, DDR3 and FBDIMM modules. These specifications are available (if ratified) to the public at Specifications that have not yet been completed or ratified are available to JEDEC members only.

Serial Presence Detect

The SPD data represents different electrical and physical characteristics of the module. This data is permanently stored in an electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) on the module. A basic input/output system (BIOS) access SPD information through the SMBus. The system BIOS can then use this data to configure the system to optimize the memory that has been installed.

The SPD table shows the hexadecimal values for each byte that is held in the EEPROM on each memory module.

Sim models

Verilog models can be created for DDR, DDR2, and DDR3 modules by using a Micron-provided wrapper in conjunction with the Verilog model for the DRAM components used on the specific module you're working with. The configurable DIMM model file (ddr_dimm.v, ddr2_module.v, or ddr3_dimm.v) is included in the DRAM Verilog model .zip file download for DDR, DDR2, and DDR3 components. The readme.txt file included in the .zip provides instructions for configuring the DIMM model.

Micron’s modules are manufactured to be hardware-compatible with both parity and non-parity systems. Par_in (parity in) and the high order address signals have a weak (100K-ohm) pull-down resistor to stabilize the inputs from oscillating around the switch point. Err_out (parity error out) is an open drain and should be left as a true no connect unless used in a parity system. The SPD data on a parity module does reflect parity. In rare occasions, the firmware or BIOS of a non-parity system will err on the parity bit in the SPD. For this reason, the system designer should ensure that the firmware of the non-parity system expects or ignores this portion of the SPD data.

It is suggested that models for connectors be acquired from the connector manufacturers to ensure an accurate model. Micron may be able to provide a simple, uncoupled RLC connector model to be used as is or to create your own connector model. Please e-mail DRAM Support to request this model.

As a rule, Gerber and ODB++ files are not provided to customers, because the files contain proprietary information about our design and could be used to mass-produce our product without our consent. There is normally no reason that a customer would need Gerber files. Gerber files are provided to PCB manufacturers to mass-produce PCBs. IBIS, EBD, or board files provide enough information for customers to create models and perform signal integrity simulations.

Micron can provide Hyperlynx models upon request for most modules. Please e-mail DRAM Support with your request and provide the complete part number of the module you are interested in. Please note, it may take up to two weeks to receive the model once your request has been acknowledged.

Micron does not provide VHDL models for modules. We have focused our modeling resources on higher utilized modeling standards such as IBIS, Verilog, and HSPICE. However, alternatives to VHDL models are available: Denali and Synopsys both have libraries of memory components and module models available on their Web sites. These EDA packages may be an alternate way to create behavioral simulations in the absence of VHDL model. Some simulators such as ModelSim provide a dual language option (VHDL and Verilog). To simulate in this manner, a VHDL wrapper can be used around currently available Verilog models.

To discover the model’s supported drive strengths, do the following:
- HSPICE model: Look at the .sp files for information on supported drive strengths and how to select them.
- IBIS model: Do a text search for the [Model Selector] section. This section describes the drive strengths that can be selected for a given input/output or output buffer.

HSPICE model: Look in the readme file for die revision information.
IBIS model: Look at the top of the file for die revision information.

To validate a model to lab measurements, Micron compares several items, such as input capacitance, power and ground clamp diode characteristics, output buffer drive strength, and output buffer slew rates. New Micron models include a quality report that compares model characteristics to lab measurements and data sheet specifications.

Most Micron models contain very few keywords specific to IBIS 4.0. In many cases, the model can be made IBIS 3.2-compliant with a few simple changes. First, change the [IBIS Ver] keyword to 3.2. Next, place a comment character ("|") in front of the "Vref" section under each [Model Spec] keyword. Finally, comment out each [Receiver Thresholds] section.

Having two ranks available to the memory controller is advantageous in terms of both performance and power. For example, while the controller is waiting for a 64-bit word to be available on one rank, the second 64-bit rank can be accessed. This interleaving increases the overall performance of the module. Power can also be reduced on a rank that is not in use, reducing the power consumption of the module.

1.x level model indicates that the model has not been correlated to any lab measurements. Typically, 1.x level models are provided for pre-silicon or pre-production devices. A 2.x level model has been correlated to lab measurements.

A board file is a complete electrical and mechanical representation of a PCB. EBD and ODB++ files are generated from board files. Board files are not to be provided to customers without an NDA since the files contain confidential and proprietary information about the module design.

Gerbers are files sent to PCB manufacturers to produce PCBs. Gerber is a dated term because board shops currently require ODB++ files to mass-produce PCBs. The term Gerber is used loosely. It sometimes refers to any of the files that represent the PCB’s electrical and mechanical characteristics, including EBD, ODB++, and board files. When a customer asks for Gerber files for a module, it is important to determine what specific files they really need.

A rank typically refers to the data bus width of a system. This width is generally 64 or 72 bits. For example, if 8 components with a width of 8 bits each are mounted to a PCB, this creates a module that is 64 bits wide, enabling a 64-bit word to be read out of the module. We refer to this as a "single-rank" module. Sixteen components with a width of 8 bits each can be mounted to a PCB to form two, 64-bit-wide ranks, creating a "dual-rank" module.

A rank typically refers to the data bus width of a system. This width is generally 64 or 72 bits. For example, if 8 components with a width of 8 bits each are mounted to a PCB, this creates a module that is 64 bits wide, enabling a 64-bit word to be read out of the module. We refer to this as a "single-rank" module. Sixteen components with a width of 8 bits each can be mounted to a PCB to form two, 64-bit-wide ranks, creating a "dual-rank" module.

An .ibs or IBIS file is a representation of a circuit meant to be read by a simulation application such as Cadence® Allegro® or HyperLynx®. IBIS (Input/output Buffer Information Specification) is an EIA (Electronic Industries Alliance) standard. IBIS is a text file in a specific format that represents the current versus voltage and voltage vs. time characteristics of the inputs and outputs of a circuit. IBIS models are the preferred files to provide to customers since the files do not contain any proprietary information about the internal makeup of the components. NDAs are not normally required for IBIS files.

Memory controllers can begin an operation in one bank and perform a separate operation in a different bank while the first operation is completing. This interleaving increases the performance of the DRAM as a whole.

Banks are specific to individual DRAM components and refer to sub-arrays within the DRAM component. Ranks are specific to memory modules and refer to a sub-array made of multiple DRAM components.

The complete IBIS model for a module consists of several files:

1. The IBIS models of the DRAM used on that particular module
2. The IBIS models of the PLL, registers, and EEPROMs (as needed)
3. The IBIS model of the resistive parallel terminations on the PC
4. The EBD (electronic board description) file of the PCB. This file references the IBIS file of the terminations mentioned above.

Together, these files provide a complete representation of the PCB.

Board designers often ask this question when they’re looking for a starting point for their CAD drawings or simulations. Because there are so many variables to consider, it is difficult to provide a "correct" answer. Clock speed, 1T or 2T timing, registered or unbuffered modules, and trace impedance are all important factors. Some controllers have on-die termination, some do not. Some controllers have two copies of the command and address bus. All of these factors can affect trace lengths and termination and can affect how acceptable signal integrity is achieved.

Micron technical notes TN-47-01TN-47-20, and TN-46-14 can be used as a starting point, but trace length and termination must ultimately be proven by simulation and physical testing. Micron provides an online simulator for customers who do not have the expertise or resources to run simulations. The online simulator is on a secure section of; visit the following URL to request access:

We have found that it is more efficient to create module models as they are requested by our customers. If you are unable to locate the IBIS model for the module you are interested in, please e-mail your request to DRAM Support.

About Micron

Elpida Acquisition

You can continue to reach your contact at the same phone number and office location. Your contact should provide you with their new Micron email address to use moving forward.

Effective Feb. 28, 2014, Elpida changed its name to Micron Memory Japan and Elpida Akita changed its name to Micron Akita, Inc.

As we continue to integrate Elpida into Micron some of the sales office locations will change. Please contact your local sales representative for further details.

Your sales representative is available to answer any questions you may have and will work closely with you to ensure that all issues are defined and resolved to the greatest degree possible. 

Go to to apply for a job.

Continue working with the same sales and customer service representatives as before. If changes are made to these contacts you will be notified immediately.

Elpida product-related information has been integrated into Use these helpful hints for identifying Elpida parts and navigating our expanded part catalogs:

  • All Elpida part numbers begin with the letter “E.”
  • Elpida parts appear at the beginning of the part catalog because part lists are sorted alphabetically based on the part number.
  • Part catalogs are sortable; use the filter at the top of the part catalog to narrow down part listings based on technology, density, or other features.

The ordering part number will change to include the Package Media designator (Tape & Reel or Tray). A Product Change Notification was issued in December 2013. Please contact your sales representative if you have any additional questions.

For Elpida part information, including access to Elpida-specific part catalogs and data sheets, visit

At this time, there are no plans to change the logo or part mark on Elpida branded products. If there are any changes, Micron will work to minimize any impact to our customers and will use appropriate channels to communicate those changes to our customers.

Continue any qualifications that are in progress, unless you hear otherwise from your account support team. If you have questions about support or what to qualify, please rely on your existing Micron or Elpida technical contacts for information.

Micron has made changes to the Micron Distribution network. For a complete list of authorized Micron distributors, reference the Micron Authorized Distributor list. Micron Authorized distributors will sell both Micron and Elpida products. If you have any questions or issues ordering products, please send an email to; and we will ensure that someone assists you. If over time, Micron decides to make further changes to its distribution network, we will work proactively with distribution and customers on their supply chain needs.

  • Business systems migrate to Micron’s SAP Procurement environment.
  • The purchase order layout and numbering will change beginning in March 2014.
  • Replacement Micron purchase orders will be created for open Elpida/Rexchip purchase orders between Feb. 28, 2014 to March 7, 2014, and will reference the former Elpida/Rexchp purchase order number.
  • The bill-to address on Micron purchase orders may be different than previous Elpida/Rexchip addresses. A letter was distributed to Elpida/Rexchip suppliers the first week of February 2014 with the new legal entity and billing address.

  • Third party agreements that are in effect for each of the Elpida legal entities will be assigned to Micron and/or ultimately terminated. Impacted suppliers will be contacted.
  • A core team of Micron and former Elpida team members are working to address these agreements. No change is anticipated however you may be contacted by Micron in the event an agreement is impacted.

Micron’s terms and condition will be applicable to all purchases. Generally these are contained in a Purchase Order. For Micron Memory Japan, they are typically contained in a Master Purchase Agreement. However, if you have an existing signed agreement with Elpida, in general, the terms and conditions contained therein will continue to apply until such agreement is modified or its term ends.


The Micron Foundation’s primary focus areas are to provide equitable opportunities for underrepresented populations, enrich our communities and increase access to STEM education to create lasting social impact. These priorities are discussed throughout our homepage.

The Micron Foundation supports a range of eligible, nonprofit and academic organizations. Eligibility requirements vary by funding opportunity and must align with our primary giving areas.

Established in 1999 by Micron Technology, the Micron Foundation is a private nonoperating corporate foundation with an endowment fund. It is recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the IRS.

The Micron Foundation has no single physical office. It is incorporated in Idaho, United States, and has team members based at Micron locations around the globe.

The Micron Foundation identifies partners in our site communities through grass roots efforts and other partner interactions. We are not currently accepting unsolicited funding proposals or requests.

Micron supports these types of causes through our employee giving program. The Micron Foundation matches team member contributions dollar for dollar to qualified nonprofits or schools registered in the Benevity Causes portal. Team members must donate directly via the Micron Gives platform or submit receipts for donations to be matched within the calendar year they are made.

The Micron Foundation supports both U.S. and eligible international organizations.

The Micron Foundation focuses primarily on the communities where Micron team members live and work, but we also work at regional levels, in alignment with our giving strategies, to make a difference.

No, the Micron Foundation's funding supports eligible nonprofit organizations and schools; it is not for individuals.

Green Engineering

Yes. Directive 2011/65/EU (replacing the Directive 2002/95/EC), Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS), does impact Micron's semiconductor products. The purpose of this directive is to restrict the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment and protect human health and the environment. Micron’s products have always been 5/6 RoHS compliant, meaning they contain Pb solder, but otherwise comply with RoHS regulations (they meet five of six stipulations). Micron’s Pb-free products are completely RoHS compliant.

Micron's RoHS compliant module level products do contain electronic parts that may use Pb for applications exempt from Directive 2011/65/EU (see Article 4, Annex 3). Please contact your sales/marketing representative for more information.

The European Commission FAQ sheet distributed under the Directorate-General Environment may serve as a formal (but not legally binding) point of reference.

Micron’s Pb-free component, die, and wafer-level products do not contain any of the six substances restricted by the China RoHS. Micron’s modules may contain Pb in both not exempted and exempted EU RoHS applications (where not reliable Pb-free alternatives are available in the market).

Micron’s products are not sold directly to consumers. The EPUP and other marking and labeling requirements apply only to the products sold directly on the consumer market. For more information contact your sales/marketing representative.

These substances are not intentionally added by Micron during the manufacturing process but can be present in trace amounts in the raw materials used to manufacture the finished products.

Micron is fully aware of product requirements coming from Regulation 2006/1907/EC, Registration, Evaluation Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. Micron constantly monitors new additions to the Candidate List and timely verifies if any Substance of Very High Concern is used in the manufacturing processes and the potential impact on the final products. Micron is committed to provide our customers with information about substances in its products as required. For any documentation needs, please contact your sales representative.

In addition to being RoHS compliant, Micron's Green packages do not contain substances that have been identified as harmful to the environment or known to pose serious reliability: bromine, chlorine, antimony containing substances, and inorganic red phosphorus. These substances are not intentionally added to packaging materials such as encapsulants, die attach materials, underfill epoxies, and substrates. The maximum trace amounts of these substances allowable in Micron’s green packages are listed below.

<900 ppm Chlorine
<900 ppm Bromine
<1500 ppm Chlorine & Bromine
<900 ppm Antimony
<100 ppm Red Phosphorus

Please note that while our Pb-free and green products do not contain any intentionally added Pb, our Pb-free parts are not necessarily green, since they may contain halogen or antimony compounds.

*These substances are not intentionally added by Micron during the manufacturing process but can be present in trace amounts in the raw materials used to manufacture the finished products.

Yes, along with our Pb-free product line, Micron also supports RoHS 5/6 products. We recognize that certain applications are exempt from the RoHS directive.

Micron’s full line of RoHS compliant memory products can be found in the part list tables for each product type. To perform a quick compliance check on a single part number, use the "Part Number Search" tool. For information on green products, please contact your local Micron sales representative.

You can find a part-specific RoHS Certificate of Compliance by navigating to the part detail page or using the main products family navigation.

Micron’s green engineering program is RoHS-compliant and conforms with most of the world’s emerging environmental standards, including those in Asia and Europe.

  • For solder balls, Micron is replacing tin-lead alloys (Sn36Pb2Ag or Sn37Pb ) with a tin (Sn), silver (Ag), and copper (Cu) alloys (e.g., SAC105, SAC305, SAC405, LF35).
  • For solder paste on modules, Micron is replacing Sn37Pb with Sn3.8Ag0.7Cu.
  • For leaded TSOP, Micron is replacing 90Sn10Pb with matte Sn plating.

These substitutions ensure Micron’s Pb-free parts are RoHS-compliant. Parts are certified for a surface mount temperature of 260°C.

Micron can currently provide Pb-free and green product to customers who require it. The availability of these products is highly dependent on customer demand, as well as on the availability of "green" non-memory components and materials.

Please contact your local Micron sales representative for more information (look up regional sales representatives on the Sales Network page).

ISO 14001

In February of 1997, Micron Technology, Inc., was one of the first companies in the United States to attain certification under the new ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems Standard. Micron was selected by KEMA Registered Quality, Inc., to be a pilot participant in the ANSI-RAB National Accreditation Program and is one of five U.S. pilot companies who participated in this program.

Certification under ISO 14001 requires conformance with four basic elements:

  • implementation of an environmental management system
  • assurance that procedures are in place to maintain compliance with applicable regulations
  • commitment to continual improvement
  • commitment to overall prevention of pollution

ISO 14001 are voluntary international environmental management standards, which ensure that organizations have effective environmental systems. It is the environmental equivalent to the ISO 9000 quality standards. Various countries and companies have implemented the ISO 9000 quality standards worldwide.

In the ISO 14000 process, a company's environmental management systems are audited by third party registrars. Micron was audited by KEMA Registered Quality, Inc. KEMA is a worldwide full-service third party registrar accredited to ISO 9000, QS9000, and ISO 14001 by ANSI-RAB and RvA, as well as being a "Notified Body" for several areas of CE marketing, mandatory product certification of the European Union. KEMA's clients number in the thousands worldwide and include a wide variety of product and service industries. KEMA specializes in the electronics, information technology, and high technology manufacturing areas.

Micron has a very proactive approach to environmental compliance and protection that serves our employees, our customers, and the communities in which we operate. We are proud of both our environmental and worker safety programs. We view compliance to minimum regulations, as a baseline and work to always be better than the minimum regulations require. ISO 14001 is a good fit with our company and culture. The primary force behind the development of standards for environmental management has been the desire for environmental stewardship and accountability. ISO 14001 embodies an approach, which looks beyond regulatory compliance and challenges an organization to take stock of its environmental programs, continually improve, and commit itself to effective processes and pollution prevention. Micron already had most of the elements needed to conform to ISO 14001 in place. We saw this as an opportunity to be recognized for our commitment, level of effort, and record of accomplishments.


General product

Thermal information includes temperature limits and thermal impedance values. Temperature limits do change for IT parts (TC, TJ, and TA), but thermal impedance values (θJA, θJB, and θJC) do not because thermal impedance depends primarily on the package.

Your particular board design should not be a cause of major concern. The pins can handle the VDD voltage regardless of the VDDQ voltage.

The ECC chip(s) should share the same CKE and CS# as the other devices because they are accessed as the same piece of data.

A bank is an array of memory bits. Multiple arrays or banks are contained within a DRAM component. Depending on density, DRAM components may consist of 4 or 8 banks. For example, a bank may consist of 32 million rows, 4 bits across. This would equate to 128 megabits. Four of these banks in a single DRAM component would yield a 512Mb component.

The impedance tolerance of the driver is ±15 percent.


All our 50-series NAND devices and beyond are ONFI-compliant.

ONFI improves time-to-market in two principal ways: 

1. It simplifies the design of Flash controllers that support a range of components by improving uniformity in the behavior of the interface to the NAND components. 

2. It reduces the design time of Flash components in end-use applications and enables the use of a new generation of NAND components without design or firmware changes.

ONFI stands for Open NAND Flash Interface. ONFI is an industry working group that is dedicated to simplifying the integration of NAND Flash memory into consumer electronic products, computing platforms, and various other applications that require solid state mass storage. The ONFI working group defines standardized component-level interface specifications for NAND Flash. ONFI is also defining module connector and module form factor specifications (similar to DRAM DIMMs) for NAND Flash. For more information, visit

ONFI improves the embedded integration of Flash components into a range of products, including many that use Flash today, such as mobile phones, PDAs, MP3 players, and notebooks. It’s likely, however, that the benefits of ONFI 2.1 will first be realized in PC platforms. Because of the significantly faster speeds that ONFI 2.1 delivers, SSDs and caching solutions will be able to deliver substantive benefits for PC platform workloads.